Ms. Benita’s Books


Ms. Benita, a young preschool teacher, adored her “Green Room Kids.” Out of her own pocket, Ms. Benita bought diapers for children who came back the next morning in yesterday’s diapers, nap blankets for those who had none, and clothing for others.

Ms. Benita’s Books spends all of its donations on sending items to children.  No money is spent on salaries, perks, benefits, cars, or any other such nonsense.  Please consider making a donation.  And tell your friends!

Copyright © 2006 -

Ms. Benita’s Books is a trademark of Ms. Benita’s Books, Inc.

The content on this site is for viewing purposes only and no permission is given to download or save the digital content for any reason.   Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Ms. Benita believed every child should have magical and inspirational surroundings.  To achieve that, she brought in her own treasured library of childhood books.

Ms. Benita’s Books also distributes children’s books relating to the loss of a pet to vet offices.  Pets add so much to a child’s life. 

“Criss-cross applesauce, hands in your lap.  Bubbles in your mouth, just like that.”  That’s how I get my kids to be quiet.  It’s that whole underground teacher street lingo that laypersons don’t understand.  Along with “Use your inside voices, please,”  “Walking feet!”  and “You’re hurting my ears.”   Anyhow, at the end of the day, after I’ve scrubbed off the last remaining little fingerprints that seem to end up in the strangest of places, and I’ve mulled over the bites and hits and spills of the day, they’re still here.  All of them.

Ms. Benita’s Books supplies carefully selected books, stuffed animals, creative puppets, and lullaby-to-singalong music to needy preschools and daycares.